ENT Clinic Sydney

General Skin Care Advice

About skin care

The human skin is the largest organ of the body. It can develop an array of complications ranging from pimples to skin cancer. It is very important to take good care of your skin throughout your life.

Quick skin education

Your skin is separated into three layers:

Basic skin care tips

Here are some general skin care tips that can reduce the risk of skin disease and keep your skin looking its best. These include:

See a dermatologist

General skin care should be incorporated into your daily routine. It should not be labor intensive, but you do have to make it a habit. Of course, regular physical exams and adult health screening tests are an important part of preventive adult health care. Early detection can be the key to successful treatment.


If you have any questions or concerns about skin care, contact your local doctor, who will be able to arrange for you to see a dermatologist. Contact us today.

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